
Thursday, 2 May 2013

Repeat Pattern Workshops

We had a 2D repeat pattern workshop a few weeks ago with Martyn. He delivered instruction on the traditional methods in repeat pattern design and using photoshop, and having wanted to draw my current work for a while it was a really great excuse in which to do so. Taking a big sheet of paper and drawing drawing drawing, my design from that workshop was this:

I feel that it is perhaps a bit busy but with some digital tweaking this could become quite interesting.

For the 3D workshop we were asked to bring in 100 of the same material/object to create 3D forms. I looked to the additional components of my work at the moment (nails and bamboo), plus a few extras from the shop (treasury tags) and got to work!

From the morning session I created these:

Then I went on to draw them in the afternoon. Although they are quite different from my normal kind of drawings, I'm quite pleased with the results:

As with the 2D workshop drawing, I'd like to use the information in the video about repeat pattern using photoshop and play with these lines whilst adding some colour.

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