I took myself off around the tight cobbled walkways and selected various things to draw and focus on. Bearing in mind all that I had dealt with, struggled with and overcome throughout the week I applied all of this to my drawings for today. I let go of hang ups and just enjoyed it all a lot more.
I started with this compositional piece, looking at shape in amongst all the building work:
A little further down the alleyway was a gorgeous perspective view of the street. I attempted that once, twice, three times, four, concentrating on different things in each instance:
I like bits of all of them and I think there is work and development that can be explored here.
I then walked to the very top of the village and sat down to paint the church and the rooftops. There was something very calming about creating this study drawing....
The heat was picking up so I moved myself around into some shade. I found a spot that had a great framed view of a house deep in the valley. I attempted a quick sketch drawing in this instance and like the energy and quick decision making in it because of that!
Before heading back to the villa for lunch I went down to the base of the village and painting a scene of this up towards the church. I felt it interesting to have these two vantage points.
Then I head back to the villa and caught up with Frances, who had been set a mark making exercise. I wanted to capture her in the creative moment, arms waving, head shaking moving in and out of creative thought and space.
The tree that was next to her I just found so beautiful in shape and texture, the bird cage too, screaming for attention!
As a final few drawings I sat upon the roof terrace taking in the view from the villa once last time before I go. There were an assortment of cacti up there which I decided to draw:
along with a study of the windows creating pattern across the landscape.
My last drawing of the day was inspired by Martyn playing guitar. The sound of the strings in the warm Spanish air was just perfect and needed recording.
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